
This wasn’t probably the first post in x months you were looking for but work on the next album…? Begins soon enough, Grasshopper.

In the meantime though, there’s…Charles! Broadway Charles!

Jazz Charles! Freshly washed & waxed from his stint as Okkervil River’s guitar temp, he’s playing a solo set at Knitting Factory (NY) along with good friends, Get Him Eat Him and

The Capstan Shafts .


Besides, what else are you gonna do tonight? Stay home & watch tv? Is there even anything on?

I mean it’s not as if centuries of cultural history are culminating in one crystalline moment of staggering importance, reaching a key journey point in an American political roadtrip set in motion in part by Lincoln over 140 years ago - and on the very anniversary of M.L.K.’s earlier milestone, no less - with the official party nomination acceptance speech of a presidential candidate so spectacularly cast by fate and/or nature for the role of leader that his mere presence on a proscenium stage moves regular folk to civic involvement, to feelings of true patriotism, to at least awareness and not uncommonly, to tears .

Wait, is that tonight?

can I come over?


Well, you can always TiVo history. In the meantime, we’ll be holed up here:

Thursday August 28th,

Knitting Factory (74 Leonard Street).

Show starts at 8:00pm.


are $10 in advance and $12 at the door.

There’s even a Facebook page for this show, which is a kind of giveaway that we weren’t part of planning since it’s at all current, of our time or cool.

See you in September…

the wrens
